Monday, February 7, 2011

The experts are learning SO MUCH about how our WHOLE BODIES are affected by our TEETH AND GUMS! Our teeth and gum health may impact our risk of heart disease, poor memory, pneumonia, lung conditions, arthritis, diabetes, preterm and low birth weight babies. (That’s a “mouthful!”) Adults set the example for their children. Adults must take care of their teeth, and teach children how to care for their own. It’s paramount for life-long, healthy living!

Here are some quick tips from the “Teeth Pros” for the wee people:

1.If possible, take children to a pediatric dentist. They’re experts in kids and their teeth issues!
2.Take your baby to the dentist when they get their first tooth, or by their 1st birthday.
3.Their baby teeth must be brushed! Although they will fall out, they “set the stage” for problems if not brushed. Use a children’s toothpaste during those early years. Fluoride toothpaste can be used after they know how to spit, usually around age 3.
4.The 1,2,3 RULE. Little one’s should drink these liquids with this rule in mind: 1 juice, 2 milks, 3 waters a Day. This should be emphasized with their sitters as well.
5.Thumb sucking and pacifiers are great “self soothing tools” when children are babies. Hopefully weaning of these can be done around 2 ½ or 3 years. (Encouragement and patience help too. Remember, they’ll out-grow it. There aren’t too many adults out there still sucking their thumbs)
6.Remember, keeping teeth clean for as long a period of time as possible is the goal. So brushing after breakfast, and the last thing before bed are great.
Yeah, these tips are great reminders of life-long practices for healthy teeth, gums, and overall healthier bodies! But kids aren’t perfect, especially with their teeth, so patience is important and diligence pays off! (Excerpt from WebMD, Inc. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.)

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