Violence Against Children
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
These tragedies occur in all ethnicities and socioeconomic realms. Even if there are some out there who do not believe that statement, and unfortunately there will be, then without argument it can be said these tragedies impact all ethnicities and socioeconomic realms. In other words, we all have a stake in helping children. Despite what people have been led to believe, very little spending has been done on programs for children. In fact, over the last 20 years spending has decreased, and that trend is expected to continue.
I want to conclude by mentioning that one reader’s comment in particular struck me. They commented, and I’m paraphrasing, that because of the environment in which that child was growing, that he probably would one day grow up to be violent. However as research shows, he would have just as likely grown up to be a teacher, or police officer, or bus driver, or perhaps the doctor who finds a cure for cancer. We’ll never know will we, because any future possibilities were ended for him a few nights ago.
Introduction to Prevent Child Abuse Indiana
Prevent Child Abuse Indiana (PCAI) was established in 1977. Founders were volunteers whose experiences and expertise committed them to the belief that preventing before is a much better solution than waiting to treat victims of child abuse. As a chartered state of Prevent Child Abuse America, we share a national vision to live in states where children flourish free from abuse and neglect. Valuing children, strengthening families, and engaging communities are the core values of the entire network.
PCAI is Indiana’s only statewide entity dedicated to the mission to be the voice in Indiana for preventing child abuse in all its forms. We have developed a statewide network of affiliated child abuse prevention Councils in forty counties in Indiana. PCAI’s programs and services focus on the strategy of primary prevention – working to reduce the risks of child maltreatment before the incidents occur.
In addition to serving as an advocate for policies and practices that are in the child’s best interest, our competencies center on four programs/ services:
1) Raising Public Awareness
2) Gathering and Disseminating Information and Resources
3) Providing Education
4) Building Community Capacity
In July of 2007, PCAI joined forces with The Villages of Indiana. PCAI became a Division of this Statewide entity, whose mission is to champion every child's right to a safe, permanent and nurturing home.